This is series 3 of the Printrbot Simple Behind the Scenes report. In this post I will go into detail what CommStack is and why we developed it. As you know Printrhub has two MCUs: ESP8266 and Teensy 3.1. There are more details on the hardware design here, but to make it short hier is a block diagram of the setup to get us started:
As you can see, MK20DX256 (our main processor) has quite a lot to do. And if you have read the document describing the display system you know, that we cannot block the main loop any time. Because that would mean that the display is unresponsive or worst, the printer does not get new commands and stops the print.
Let’s think about a usage scenario and translate that to tasks of work being done by this system: Starting a print.
If you start a print, you select the print job on the display. MK20 will ask for touches in its main loop and reflects those interactions on the screen. When you press the PRINT button, MK20 checks SD card to see if that file is already downloaded (available on the SD card). If it’s not, MK20 has to ask ESP to download the file. ESP downloads the file and sends the data to MK20 which in turn writes the data to the SD card.
Remember, we don’t want to block the main loop. We need to do that in an asynchronous way. What I mean with that is that we must split that into very small pieces and execute them one after the other in the main loop, but in between we give control back to other parts of the system.